Indigenous Student Resources:
Resources for Students, Community,
Support Staff, Family, and Friends
Scholarships/Financial Assistance:
American Indian Science and Engineering Society Scholarships
American Indian Education Fund Scholarships
Association of American Indian Affairs Scholarships
Native Forward (formerly American Indian Graduate Center) Scholarship Finder
Intertribal Timber Council Truman D. Picard Scholarship
Udall Undergraduate Scholarship
American Indian/Native American Scholarships from scholarships.com
The Ultimate Guide to Native American Scholarships from thescholarshipsystem.com
Four Directions Scholarship for Native American Students (NE MN and NW WI Students)
Minnesota Department of Education Scholarship and Grant Programs
Minnesota Office of Higher Education - Minnesota Indian Scholarship
Indigenous Student Support Organizations and Resources:
American Indian College Fund - Resources for Friends, Allies, and Students
American Indian Science and Engineering Society
American Indian Higher Education Consortium (U.S. Tribal Colleges and Universities)
Partnership with Native Americans Higher Education Services
National Indian Education Association
Minnesota Indian Education Association